Welcome to my website that i will be using to journal down my Dfab journey


Well, my name is Quan Yao from DBEN 2A01 and you are currently looking through my DFAB website. Oh and incase ur wondering how i look, this a picture of me and i also like to play video games and tabletop games too.

Picture of me

Sorry for the bad picture of me, but you can get a picture of me during the youtube video.

This Website

Well, like i said, ill be using this website to journal down the things i learnt during my DFAB module. But by using this a webiste to note down the things i learnt would be it easier to refer to in the future, as compared to writing things down on paper. But to elaborate on "journal down", i wil basically group what i learnt into the different software and topics, then under those headers, write down the things i learnt. I will also use this as a place to write down the updates to the module project.

List of things we'll be doing

  1. FABLAB Safety
  2. Web Development
  3. Computer Aided Design
  4. 3D Printing
  5. Computer Controlled Cutting
  6. Embedded Programming
  7. Module Project
  8. Project files