FabLab Safety

General Safety inside the lab

For fablab safety, we were thought through the slides, however, due to the CB period, we are not able to take the fablab safety test, and is intended to take the test once we have returned to school. While waiting, we could refer to slides like this to understand the rules and procedures. Fablab slides Also i can refer to this page for the resources of fablab safetyhttps://esp.sp.edu.sg/webapps/blackboard/content/listContent.jsp?course_id=_51997_1&content_id=_1539071_1

  • long hair must be tied
  • keep adornment properly
  • no loose items allowed
  • T-shirt. no loose attire, No long sleeve
  • Hands free of adornment
  • Long pants
  • Covered shoes.

Types of hazard

  • Entanglement hazard
  • Cutting Hazards
  • Impact hazards
  • Shearing hazards
  • Crushing hazards
  • Draw-in hazards
  • Friction and abrasion hazards

Safety devices

  • Machine guards
  • Pressure-Sensitive Trips
  • Pressure Tripping Pedal on a Lathe
  • Pressure sensitive mats
  • Emergency Switch

3D printing safety

3D printing is actually pretty simple. Just ensure you are observing the 3D print while it is printing, so you are not allowed to leave the 3D printer alone when it is printing. while the 3D printer is printing or even before it starts printing, DO NOT touch the nozzle of the 3D printer as it become very hot and cal burn the skin. Also, after the print is done, let the print cool down for afew minutes, down to around 40 or some degrees celcius before taking the print out, as it would be easier to take it out at the temperature.

Laser cutting safety

It is also quite similar to the 3D printing safety, as in you are not allowed to leave the laser cutter alone. Also after the cut or engraving is done, you should leave the work to sit for a minute or so inside the cutter as the gas has to be sucked out from the cutting area.